All the Things in G3TX – Our Most Recent Features

Where is your GRIT?

What does GRIT mean to you?  How do you define it?  If you look it up in the dictionary, it is “courage and resolve; strength of character.”  For me, it’s not that simple to define.  It’s one of those things that you know when you see it in someone else but don’t necessarily recognize it […]

Find your GRIT and just do the dang thing!!

Hey G3TX! It’s been a while. Have you ever heard of “analysis paralysis”? I’ve had a big dose of it for the last year if I’m being honest. I’ve had the idea for G3TX in my head and spent all of this time researching and studying and thinking I had to get things “just right” […]

Where the Heck is Grit Grace & Gratitude, Texas

Where the Heck is Grit Grace & Gratitude, Texas

What if there was a place called “Grit Grace & Gratitude, Texas” and it had all the people, places and things that light you up?? Well there is…. And we are going to build it together!  We’re talking all the people, places and things that show GRIT, teach us GRACE and inspire GRATITUDE…….. all with […]