What does GRIT mean to you? How do you define it? If you look it up in the dictionary, it is “courage and resolve; strength of character.” For me, it’s not that simple to define. It’s one of those things that you know when you see it in someone else but don’t necessarily recognize it in yourself.
I mean, it’s easy to see it in athletes. It’s easy to see it in entrepreneurs and business people when you see their success. We see it in our farmers and ranchers daily. But do we really notice it – and CELEBRATE it – in ourselves?
To me, GRIT is really about intention and believing in myself and pushing beyond where I am today. It’s about having perseverance to get through the yucky stuff. We can have GRIT in the big things for sure, but it is really in the little things every single day. Getting in that workout you aren’t feeling. Being kind to that person who may not have been kind to you. Going that extra step to finish a project or reach a goal. Doing that favor for someone, even though it is out of your way. Choosing to make your mental health a priority without feeling guilty. It all takes GRIT!!
Recognize and celebrate your GRIT today!! You have more of it than you know. Tell me where you see your GRIT??